Monday, April 30, 2018

April Reflection & May Goals


I rely very heavily on my life planner, and one of the elements that I use the most is planning monthly goals. I love watching people achieving their goals, and I thought it would be fun to share my own!

So looking back on April. . . 

Goal: Weight at 198lbs
Actual: 219.8lbs

Goal: Owned TBR at 170 books
Actual: 188 books

Goal: Read 15 books
Actual: Read 3

Goal: Workout 25 days
Actual: 13 workouts
Goal: Plot novels chapters
Actual: Plotted and started writing

Goal: Win a Fitbit challenge
Actual: Won Workweek Hustle week of April 9th

Overall I only achieved 2 of the 6 goals I set for myself, but April was actually a great month for me. My mood stabilized and experienced some positive life changes! I'm hoping to continue these great spirits into a successful month in May. Next month is going to be a busy one as I am starting school again, still working in retail, and will be going to New York at the end of May. 

But I've still got some big goals!

Goal: Weight at 209lbs

Goal: Owned TBR at 179 books

Goal: Workout 20 days

Goal: Achieve 80% or higher on any assignments/examinations

Goal: Win a Fitbit challenge

I hope that by sharing my goals it helps to keep me more accountable, and that I am more successful in achieving them!

Wish me luck!


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