My Bucket List

My Bucket List


1. Visit the Grand Canyon
2. Visit the Louve
3. Go to a concentration camp
4. Go on a relaxing vacation alone
5. Explore a rain forest
6. Stay at a bed and breakfast
7. Visit all seven continents
8. Visit the Hollywood Walk of Fame
9. Visit all of the parks in Disneyworld
♥ 10. Go on a cruise


11. Swim with dolphins / stingrays
12. Climb the CN Tower
13. Fly in a hot air balloon
14. Go horseback riding
15. Go dancing in the rain
16. Stargazing with a loved one
17. Go on a road trip 

Health / Fitness

18. Do a pull-up
19. Hold a plank for 60 seconds
20. Participate in a marathon
21. Get a massage
22. Have a body fat of 20% or less
23. Go rock climbing
24. Do a handstand
25. Do a cartwheel
26. Take a pole dancing class
♥ 27. Take a yoga class
28. Go roller-skating
29. Go seven days without drinking soda

Hobby / Fun

30. Solve a Rubik's cube
31. Learn how to juggle
32. See a Broadway musical
33. Go to a drive-in movie
34. Play bingo at a bingo hall
35. See a Las Vegas show
36. Have my palm read
37. Play on a trampoline
38. Learn how to ballroom dance
♥ 39. Knit a scarf
40. Fly a kite


41. Volunteer at an animal shelter
42. Be a published author
♥ 43. Go to the movies alone
44. Have a professional photo shoot
45. Eat at a restaurant alone
46. Learn to say "Hello" in 10 languages
47. Learn to say "Thank you" in 10 languages
48. Graduate university
49. Own a home
50. Perform a random act of kindness
♥ 51. Support a charity

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