About Me!


My name is Kristina, and I am currently living in Kitchener, Ontario.

I am 22 years old, and love to keep busy! I work in retail, but also work as a book blogger/reviewer. I'm currently in university for an honours degree in psychology, starting my fourth year in September 2018!

So I run two blogs, two Instagram accounts, and a Youtube channel - on top of school and my part-time job. I'm very active in my life after losing 70lbs in 2017, and I hope to continue on my fitness journey. 

On this blog I'm looking forward to sharing my past struggles, future plans, and different pieces of advice people have requested from me.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

And you can keep up with my day-to-day through my social medias!

          Twitter: @kristinalenny
          Instagram: @kristinaalovee
          Snapchat: @kristinalenny

Youtube: ThePrincessGummyBear

Book Blog: http://theprincessgummybearreviews.blogspot.ca

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/13663602-kristina-lenarczyk

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