Monday, May 14, 2018

Facts You May Not Know About Me !


I know I seem like an open book, but there are a few things that might explain where some of my personality traits come from. 

I can cook, but I prefer to bake

I only got into cooking when I started meal prepping, but I fell in love with it! I find it so relaxing, and I'm obsessed with being creative with recipes. 

Because of my depression, I didn't go to prom or my high school graduation

I spent two years going to university in New Brunswick

I originally went with the intention of wanting to study communications, but discovered my passion for psychology. I loved Fredericton, and miss it and the people every day. 

I lived a ketogenic diet for about three months

There were definitely pros and cons to following this diet, but in the end it just wasn't what was best for me. 

I have taken the SAT

Yes I voluntarily decided to take the SATs, and gave myself four weeks to study for it. I did quite well and took it because I wanted the experience if I ever wanted to study in the US. Plus I actually love being in school and learning new things. 

I've only worked for one company my entire life, and I've been there for almost four years

I love animals more than I do people

Since I was little I have wanted a Yorkie Terrier named Molly, and am obsessed with any animals. In my life I have had a cat, a bird, two hamsters, a variety of fish, a dog, and a lizard (my brother's technically). The only one I still have right now is one of the hamsters, but I am determined to get a dog soon.

I am currently working on writing my novel

I have always wanted to be an author, and in April decided to start working on my manuscript. I've gotten all of the planning done, and about 20,000 words down!

I am NOT a morning person

I used to suffer from bad insomnia, and would be awake for days at a time. I find the night to be calming, and am most productive when everyone else is asleep. The longest I've been without getting any sleep is four and a half days, and my doctor wanted to send me to a sleep clinic but the idea of someone watching me sleep made me anxious. 

I do work as a book blogger and reviewer, and love every second of it

I have made so many connections to publishers through my blog, and some lifelong friends from YouTube. I have gone on trips that I never thought I would, and even bumped into Jason Segel while at a book event in NYC a few years back. My YouTube channel has provided me with memories and opportunities that I am never going to forget!

I'd rather watch a basketball game than anything else

The Raptors are my first choice, but you can find me watching any NBA game. I am very passionate about it, so if you want to get into a conversation with me about players, it won't be a short one. I went to five NBA games this past season, but wish I'd seen more!

I have a pretty open taste in things

Whether it be books, movies, or music, I'll give just about anything a try. My favourites vary greatly depending on the mood that I'm in that day!

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