Thursday, July 26, 2018

Becoming a Minimalist

Three weeks ago I decided that I wanted to make a huge lifestyle change. I decided that I wanted to live as a minimalist.

There wasn't anything specific that sparked my decision, just a passing thought that I decided to research and then adapt. 

About a month ago I hit a mental wall and felt so disconnected from myself, and out of control of my own life. When I first came across the idea of minimalism, I was hooked and spent hours watching videos, reading blogs and articles, and learning about the different methods. 

When I first committed to this lifestyle, I was so overwhelmed by how much I wanted to declutter, I decided to do what I do best - make a list. I broke down all the spaces in my house, piece by piece, and posted it on my fridge. This was really beneficial for me because I was tracking my progress, and allowing myself to take it all one step at a time. 

Things I've Minimalized

  • Books / movies
  • Stationary
  • Jewellery 
    • I chose which styles were my favourite and customized my own sets
  • Makeup
  • Clothes
  • Accessories
    • Hats and scarves, purses and bags
  • My online presence
    • Organized my emails, filtered my iTunes, and deleted my Instagram

Clearing through everything that I own and keeping only the important things has had such a positive effect on my life. Dealing with a mood disorder such as my bipolar, I am constantly on the edge of a breakdown. Once I started clearing through my living space I found it also helped to clear my mental space. I spend so much less time thinking about everything I have to clean and organize, and am less distracted because there are fewer things around me. The best part? The things that are around me are things that bring me so much happiness and joy, that my mood is continuously being uplifted. 

This isn't always an easy lifestyle as there are so many things I want to keep (either for sentimental sake or because it was expensive), even if it doesn't serve a purpose in my daily life. I am slowly coming to realizations that I don't need to keep everything, and that I don't need to buy everything that catches my eye. 

It has only been three weeks, but I am feeling calmer and more stable than I ever have. Not to mention, it has been such an aid in repaying my debt and saving money since I am not tempted to splurge. It is also incredibly rewarding to be donating so much to my local charity shop, knowing I am making such a difference in peoples lives. 

Living as a minimalist is something that I want to continue throughout my adult life, as I have come to appreciate the things that I have so much more. 

I finally understand quality or quantity!

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