Friday, January 1, 2016

My 2016 Goals / Resolutions


I know that everyone says this, but it doesn't feel as though another year is over! It could just be because in southern Ontario we only recently got a bit of snow, but it is in fact January and the time where people decide what they want to change about themselves. 

I don't want to change. I want to improve. 

Here are my 10 goals/resolutions for this year!

1. Post on each blog once a week. I am currently running two blogs - this one (lifestyle) and a book blog, however I recently lacked on both. Starting this week I will be posting once a week on both blogs, whether it is just to check in or an in-depth post. 

2. Upload two YouTube videos a month. I used to be very good at posting a video on my channel every Monday. However, I need to be a little realistic with this. It is quite time consuming, and if I don't have quality content there is no point in my posting. So (for now) I am going to be posting twice a month (every other Monday hopefully) during this semester, and can hopefully go back to my weekly postings during the summer. 

3. Review every book that I read.

4. Manage a 3.7 GPA. This includes both this term (January-April) and the fall term (September-December).

5. Be better at saving money. Obviously being a university student in a different province is quite expensive, and I want to start paying off my student loans with any extra money I can put away from working. 

6. Get more involved. I am fairly active in my life between working and school, but I want to devote more time to volunteering. I am currently a Sports and Nutrition Representative for my dorm, but would like to do more work locally. However I am will not overcommit myself, and will be better and saying "no" when necessary. 

7. Invest in myself and my appearance. I need to devout more time to myself; going to the gym, doing my makeup, painting my nails, etc. I don't want to do it for anyone except for myself. 

8. Get enough sleep

9. Compare myself to others less often. I tend to have low self-esteem and compare myself to others in how I lack. This year I will learn to love myself, and give people to recognition they deserve without any comparisons (positive or negative). 

10. Continue being a good friend and active listener, but learn to put time aside for myself. This follows with #7, but also in being okay with being alone. To accept that it is okay to watch a movie or TV by myself and enjoy the quiet. 

Thank you for all of your support through a stressful year, and I look forward to getting everything back together and balanced for 2016! Let me know what some of your resolutions are!

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