Friday, July 3, 2015

Welcome to My Blog!


Thank you for taking the time to click on my blog and read this! I have lots of plan for this page and hope we all have a good time on this adventure. 

You probably know me from my YouTube channel where I talk about books, ThePrincessGummyBear, and I love connecting with you guys there but I wanted to take it to a more personal level. 

  • 19 years old, born September 15, 1995
  • Currently living in Ontario, Canada. Attending school in New Brunswick Canada. Love to travel. 
  • Diagnosed as manic depressive, obsessive-compulsive, and an anxiety disorder. I've been hospitalized twice for my depression.
  • My parents are separated as of last year and I live (apart from school) with my amazing mom and loving dog.
  • I have a passion for books and recently discovered a love for makeup, Etsy, and my Erin Condren planner
  • I'm more focused on my future than my past

With this blog I just want to be able to talk about different things, fun and hard things, and everything in-between. Joining YouTube was one of the best decisions I've made but since I have a small passion for writing, I want to be able to voice a lot of topics in writing as well. 

Last summer I got really into fitness and will probably bring some of that over to this blog as well. Progress, workouts, recipes, who knows! Some simple changes have helped me to see a huge difference in my body (both how I look and feel) and I would love to share that with people who care to read about it.

I'm not sure what else to say as there will be plenty of more in-depth posts to follow! Let me know if there is anything you want me to talk about specifically!

I will link all of my social media below as well as on the "About Me" page.

Twitter: @kristinalenny
Instagram: @kristinaalovee
Snapchat: @kristinalenny

Thanks again and I love you.

~ Kristina

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