Saturday, July 11, 2015

Inside Out Movie Review

Hello again! I told you I would post weekly and I am trying to stick to that!

So last Saturday I decided to treat myself and my mom, and took us to the movies. It is very rare for us to go and see a movie since our work schedules collide so much, but we had a free evening and we really wanted to see Inside Out.

I saw the trailer for this movie last year and was hooked from the very beginning. I will link the trailer for anyone interested but it was hilarious and Mindy Kaling was starring in it so I was sold. I love Mindy so much as you probably already know, and thought her playing "disgust" couldn't have been more perfect. I had been highly anticipating the release of this movie and am happy to say I was not disappointed. I have loved Pixar movies since I was a kid, and expected this to be light and funny as usual. I was only half right.

The storyline for this is centered around emotions and the different aspects that make up your personality. So what happens when you take away joy and sadness, but leave anger, disgust, and fear? Chaos.

Throughout this movie you watch 11-year old Riley struggle with moving to another state, not being around her parents as much, and essentially falling into a depression. She loses touch with her friends, no longer interested in sports, and starts fighting with her parents. It was such a sad decline but there were some funny lines and moments thrown in making it lighter than it came across. The writers of this movie handled the topic so well and I think it was very powerful. Mental illness is becoming very common in adolescents, and this movie can serve as a way to see it does get better, and where you can draw joy from.

Not going to lie, I did cry in this movie. It was so well done that I couldn't help but get emotional! I will be purchasing this movie when it comes out and highly recommend you watch the trailer! 

1 comment:

  1. Is there any thing wrong that could be said about this film? It was beautifully animated, had a wonderful and creative story, and it was even humorous. But then again, this is the content one should already expect from Pixar. Even as an adult, seeing Inside Out for the first time gave the same feeling as seeing Toy Story for the first time as a kid. This will definitely go down as one of Pixar's best.

    Watch Inside Out Movie Online Free
