Friday, August 28, 2015

New (School) Years Resolutions!

Hello and happy Friday! So this is my last Friday in Ontario for a while as I am moving back to school on Tuesday. I will be starting my second year of University and although I am very excited, I am also very nervous because I am going to be crazy busy. 

In an effort to try and keep myself on track with my life, I came up with ten resolutions that I want to keep up with throughout this coming school year!

1. Go to bed at a reasonable hour and be consistent. I have a very bad habit of staying up late and being exhausted all day. Thankfully I don't have any classes before 10am first semester, but I want to be able to go to sleep at a reasonable time every day.

2. Don't sleep away the days. This one kind of goes with the above, since I stay up late and then spend my days off sleeping. If I ever get a day when I have nothing going on, I still want to get up at a decent time and be productive. Or at least just spend the day watching Netflix. 

3. Keep notes and desk organized. This isn't something I am worried about as I am a very organized person, it's just something I want to be aware of daily. 

4. Complete all required readings on time. I am a procrastinator - I can admit that. Last semester I was terrible at keeping up with readings, and it is something I want to fix this year!

5. Find a good study spot. It is my goal to find a good study spot that is quiet and free of distractions! I did use the study hall quite a bit last year, but there were days when it was full and I wasn't sure where else to go. My roommate and I did find some empty classrooms to study in, but a consistent spot would be nice. 

6. Go to the gym at least four days a week. The gym is my "happy place" and I don't want my health to be neglected because of my busy schedule. Even if it means going late at night, or running for 20 minutes in between classes and my job, I will make it happen. 

7. Look good for class/work every day! I have recently gotten into makeup and being comfortable in my own skin. I want to feel good every day, and want to get up early enough that I can plan an outfit and do my hair/makeup when I feel like going all out. 

8. Eat some kind of breakfast every day. I am the worst at eating breakfast. If I were to estimate, I would say I eat breakfast 5-7 times a month. I don't much care for cereal, and since I am not much of a morning person, I don't usually feel like making something. It is my goal to get my butt down to the meal hall for breakfast every day. Or if I'm running late for something to at least eat a healthy granola bar or fruit.

9. Don't procrastinate any assignment, reading, or studying. This fits with my fourth resolution, but I purchased a Kate Spade planner to make sure I am keeping track of everything. It is a goal to use my planner actively!

And finally the biggest and hardest one...

10. Manage a 3.7 GPA. I need to somehow accomplish this while working part time, having a social life, and maintaining two blogs plus a YouTube channel. I think I should be able to achieve this if I can keep up with my other nine resolutions! 

Wish me luck and I wish any of you students the best in this coming school year!
~ Kristina

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Etsy Sticker Shop Haul/Review!

Hello again! Sorry that this post is later than my Friday posts, but I have been crazy busy (terrible excuse I know). I have a very exciting post today and that is a review for a newly opened Etsy sticker shop! One of the creators of this shop has a YouTube channel, which is how we first got in contact and she asked me to review - I will link her down below with all the other information. 

The Etsy shop is called BellaDiva Designs, and they are based out of Ontario, Canada. It is so hard for me to find Canadian Etsy shops, so I get super excited when I come across one. This was also my first time getting asked to be sent stickers to review so I am extremely grateful to this shop. The fact that these stickers were sent to me for review does not affect my opinion.

I do have an Erin Condren Vertical Life Planner this year, but most of the stickers could be used for the horizontal, or any other planner. 

So the first thing I saw were these cute green duo sets - one with full boxes and the other with different heart checklists, flags, icon stickers, and weekend stickers.

There were also a TON of cute random things! Movie marque stickers, baking set, date night, garbage/recycling, grocery bags, 

The colours of these stickers are amazing, however the quality lacks a little bit. With some of the stickers, they would split when I tried to take them off the sheet. This happened mostly with the smaller ones and the checkboxes. They are glossy and permanent, so be careful with your placement! 

I did plan my next spread a couple of days early just so I could use these stickers and show you how they looked! 

Again I would like to give a huge thank you to BellaDiva Designs for sending me some of their stickers - I will be placing an order very soon!

If you would like to order from them, make sure you use the code "GRANDOPENING" for 25% off your order! They accept all methods of payment - so check them out! 

Instagram: @BellaDivaDesignsPaperCo